If you have been waiting for prices to stabilize you are on the cusp of being late.
Homes in Daly City, San Bruno, San Mateo, San Francisco and South San Francisco are selling. To keep up with the demand Bank of America is falling behind on appraisals and is hiring outside appraisers. I spoke to a termite inspector yesterday. He had 5 inspections scheduled for the day. Need I say we did not speak long. There is a buzz in my office. Conference rooms are filled with buyer’s consultations. We are seeing banks dealing with short sales move faster and be more aggressively. If you are a first time home buyer or a seasoned investor; jump in the buying is great. Call me at 877-Lee-Sells. It is a PERFECT STORM for you. If you are busy with the holidays maybe meet with me or your favorite realtor just to get updated on the market so you are ready to take advantage of the Best Buyer’s Market in 30 Years come January.
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