Many sellers are determined to set their listing price higher than they are willing to accept so they have room to negotiate. With the New Millennium buyers they unfortunately will not get any offers. Today’s buyers are more educated than any others. The internet gives the buyers the opportunity to research all public records. They know the price of all the homes in the area that sold recently and are on the market. They know the trends, the cost per square foot; they know what the seller paid for the home and how much they owe and sometimes the improvements the owner has completed. If a home is over-priced the “New” buyer is almost offended that someone would expect them to purchase it at the “Over Valued List Price” so they don’t even make an offer. Many don’t even waste their time to view the home. That is the old school pricing method. My parents would have done that. Back then information was not so accessible. With today’s buyer’s research and knowledge they are willing to pay over the list price because they realize they are not paying over the market price. They are just paying over the list price. The old school seller does not understand this new Price it Right philosophy. It is the responsibility and ethical obligation of the professional honest agent to advise the old school seller that their price is too high and to educate them to the New Pricing Philosophy. If not, the seller will not get maximum value. Although the Old School Seller will reluctantly reduce the price after a few weeks it is too late. That property is now stale. It quickly gets a reputation that something must be wrong with it mentality by the buyers and some agents. This property may not deserve the reputation but it sticks. When an offer does come in it will be less than the reduced price and less than the market value. If it was priced right at the beginning most likely they would have received several offers within a week.
SSF Home Price Right and received multiple offers
Buyers are out there. Homes in San Bruno and South San Francisco priced right are having 75-100 potential buyers view their home during the Sunday Open Houses. Homes not priced right get less than half that. I personally know of eight homes in San Bruno and South San Francisco that went on the market with the Price It Right Philosophy and within the first week received multiple offers and sold at above the Listed Price. Not by much but they sold while others not priced right are still on the market. Sellers must understand that for every week their home does not sell it is costing them .25% or more.